[This story is an improved version from mini cassette
recordings of Mekkar’s actual voice in 1990 while hiking and walking as a
University student; Then, it was converted to a Windows Media Audio File and
transcribed in 2011. Mekkar’s spoken English skills are nowhere near as
polished as Saavo’s are. Continued from ON THE TREK & SURROUNDINGS - PART 2
(B) in February, 2015.]
The geography has changed back to more familiar settings
because the trek is almost over. It is getting closer and closer to home.
Mekkar, Ansetti, Juhani, and the rest of the group are returning. Every one of
them can sense that another long trek is almost over …
Some of the older ones, like Ansetti, have recognized the
difference between the treks of today and yesteryear which, for the nomads, never
ended. The more experienced trekkers recognize the always changing
circumstances. They see routes and lands to move herds are increasingly
disappearing. Government agencies are continually adding regulations and
companies never stop pursuing additional land purchases to exploit remaining natural
resources. It seems as though only the inhabitants see the permanent damage to
the natural ecosystem. Development projects and construction of large scale undertakings
such as hydro dams, etc. gobble up more territory while taking away from animal
husbandry activity. Crooked officials use eminent domain and outright, direct
government takeover to reclaim the land. Each instance further restricts open
grazing and birthing areas that have been used for centuries in these regions.
Added to this, encroachment upon ancient native areas, due to enforced new
settlement takeover policies, diminish animal movement patterns. Technology has
brought great changes to reindeer gathering and management of stock. Reindeer
herding is less labor intensive now as a result of modern day equipment being
employed in the process. Snowmobiles, trucks, boats, and helicopters are
presently adopted to carry out these tasks in opposition to earlier times.
Seasonal Patterns for the herd to follow, while trekking,
have been occurring for a long time. In the past, specific reindeer herding villages
had their own preset chosen migration routes chosen by the local community. Due
to the current ever-changing political atmosphere, natives are in an uproar because
they endure the loss of more land for herd movement. Many old pathways are now
fenced off for various reasons.
In Mekkar’s culture, old native thought practices reign
supreme. Everything belongs to the family and the village group as a whole. It
is selfish to consider it any other way. Previously, permanent and separate
homes or dwellings were constructed without an individualistic viewpoint in
mind. Items are not only yours alone but to be shared and enjoyed by all in the
tribe. Mutual benefit of the whole group is key. The concept of single person
ownership was foreign to the natives here. Sometimes those same materials,
which included all supplies and goods, could be needed to ensure the tribe’s
very survival. If that was ever the case, then so be it. That type of approach,
especially on a trek, is executed with maximum efficiency to insure the success
of the journey for all involved. It is a long forgotten, nomadic, and tribal
approach to ensure continual existence. These thought processes have also been applied
and adapted to the modern way of living to a certain degree and with a native
flavor. In many cases, far northern latitude small communities experienced
forced changes beyond their control.
People are seen as visitors or travelers on this earth; technically
you as an individual don’t own anything. Not even yourself! Well, maybe just
yourself. In some aspects, yes and some ways, no. Everything is only a rental
and that perspective benefits the collective unit or group. Extremely selfish
people have few, if any, friends in this environment because they refuse to
cooperate with anyone else. Those type of people end up having a much lesser chance
for survival. In the Arctic people and animals
are very connected with a need for each other whether a person admits it or
not. Herd mentality is perceived as the best option and has functioned
successfully in inhospitable climates for centuries. Uncompromising, solitary folks
left to their own devices usually have negative outcomes such as an early
This is a concept Mekkar would acquire a better grasp of and
expand his learning capability as he grew up. In the cases regarding any type
of monument, they are considered to be a tangible gift which belongs to everyone.
One’s selfish personal desires are disparaged and the objective radiance is
meant to serve all who come into contact with the structure. The notion is for
greater good encouragement to keep the villagers fighting for survival, one of
those of which was Mekkar. A person is looked upon as a grain of sand on the
beach and one small piece of the whole, like a puzzle. The native outlook is
unchanged for the most part on matters such as these. This is true even as
their native world and circumstances get swallowed up by the modern society all
around them. Today, Mekkar has recognized a mingling of both belief systems. Yet,
each particular piece cannot be discounted and always must fulfill a function
or purpose.
Now, since his native people are more settled than they were
one hundred years ago, treks can be better contrived due to technological
advances in equipment. Trek planning and timetables, in modern times, are less
rigid. Nevertheless, some actions must still be carried out on a regular basis
during various calendar seasons and animal requirements. Specific flexibility
is modified according to the herders and their overall collective mood. In this
culture, many tools, accessories, and useful family possessions belong to the whole
group. That is, any resource that can be relied upon to meet needs and aid the
entire clan. Mekkar sees this as the very antithesis of extreme individualism
in various parts the modern world. His upbringing is what is considered as yours
is also in many aspects everyone’s around you and should be relished in a
widespread manner. This applies even to inconsequential personal awards,
trophies, and other related items. The truth is, no one ever gets to a high
level in any endeavor without help from others along the way. Natives, all around
the world, grasp this concept as it has been part of their way of life for a
long time. Unfortunately, greedy influences from modern societies have infected
change in native cultures more rapidly than anyone cares to admit.
Going on, the trekkers travelled for a few more days and
nights and the mood of the group improved along with the weather. There seemed
to be less distractions and everything appeared to have become easier during
this part of the journey. A few in the party thought it might be a situation of
the calm, before a storm. Still, the leader Ansetti had a tough battle to root
out any complacency within the party in the homestretch. He knew that any
sudden lapse in the attention to detail could result in another attack by
wolves or other predators. Experienced outdoor people are well aware how a wolf
pack can steal potential food from much larger animals such as bears. They are
not afraid to rob from you too! An attack can happen at anytime, especially in
the nighttime, even in familiar surroundings.
A number of Arctic animals have adapted eyesight that is
superior to big city dwellers, fortunately a balanced number of natives have
been blessed with a similar sense. Plus, many animals, in such a harsh
environment, are usually visually keen in the dark of night. Populations in snowbelt
regions can see how the white snow can illuminate the earth’s surface with more
light than dark metropolis roads lit by street lamps. That, along with colorful
clothing, attempts to make up for some of the darkness and fight off climatic
induced depression. This is especially true, when the twenty four hour darkness
season arrives.
Anyway, as they reached closer on the path toward home, the
leading ones in the tribe told more and more stories about the old ways. Past legends
were spoken of during those stops along the trek. There have been films made and
books written in other languages about some of the tales and heroes, Mekkar
heard in the tent. He listened, absorbed, and learned a lot on this journey.
But, he was still young, too young to really understand the whole experience
and how it affected him. That would happen in time. As they got nearer and
nearer to their destination a few more days had passed. Always at the evening’s
group gathering was the night coffee. The leaders consumed copious amounts of
it. However, Mekkar greatly disliked that drink. It seemed to the boy that definitely
the evenings were getting longer as they moved closer to his village. Aslak
mentioned to Mekkar, what he was feeling was the anticipation of longing to be
back home.
Mekkar’s village is divided by a natural water barrier which
also functions as a borderline running down the middle of the river. The water
flow does become more restricted and narrow when the river winds around, bends,
and curves at various points. Some in the village were convinced the map-makers
were drunk as they surveyed the area for the national government. It was
probably the reason for some of the odd geographical choices that were
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