Mekkar must have stated his concerns in his mind and also
out loud because another person there told him that the nose had been shot off
by way of a cannon ball. A misfire that was done by one of Napoleon’s soldiers
long ago and that he was not in any danger of falling debris. [Wikipedia] The
young man was hoping to see the rest of this vast pyramid complex on this day
and he accomplished this. As dusk approached they loaded back up into the same
vehicles and continued on. Happily the vehicles were supplied with snacks,
drinks, and whatnot as they caravan travelled south through the desert with the
great river nearby flowing in the opposite direction northward.
As he was leaving the pyramids in the distance of the rear
view window, Mekkar felt sad for the long lost people who built those
magnificent symbols. Masterpieces that are still around thousands of years
later to be treasured by the earth’s inhabitants today. He also reflected about
the culture and the people who lived during that time period. Would they be
pretty much forgotten today if these manmade structures no longer existed?
Would their past accomplishments be basically erased today and banished to the
annals of history? Mekkar pondered on these questions.
The native from the north was still a product of his
upbringing and environment. He thought that hopefully some in the future will
still remember us as a people. That our good deeds might be recognized long
after our own native culture is no longer present in the world. That maybe we
failed to leave any massive makers of a culture long passed like these the
Egyptians did under the Pharaohs. He realized right then the future fate of his
own indigenous civilization. Mekkar felt somber because many ancient peoples
along with native societies have come and gone.
They disappeared and those stepping stones for progress, as
well as, the lessons that could have been gained now are perished forever. The
usefulness can’t help us in the current age, even though there are some areas
where mankind has gained ground. The basic truth is people have changed little
in their nature throughout the sands of time. Mekkar is of the opinion that
ancient peoples lived in the same vein as today’s native environments. They
both face similar dilemmas in that many of their contributions are rarely
recognized by the dominating and overwhelming surrounding modern lifestyles.
Mekkar knows one thing for sure, that concrete jungle dwellers are fairly
inflexible and unadaptable in comparison to his tribe and society.
Whereas a passenger in the moving transport during that
first night Mekkar had plenty of time to think about things, that is, when he
was awake. He deliberated that everyone has their own agenda, no matter whom
they are or when they lived. The team’s visit to the pyramid valley reinforced
this belief in his head. Mekkar kept speculating ways to show others those
native manners of living also have their benefits. He affirms those are, on a
smaller scale, excellent examples that resemble provision of a more equal
distribution of resources. Which in turn raises the overall prosperity to the
group as a whole due to sharing concept among its inhabitants. As long as
everyone works and contributes their fare share of the load, and not sit on
their rear end expecting others to take care of them. It is not a welfare
system but a matter of survival just like, in a sense, a pack mentality of
Emerging from Mekkar’s concept is that he feels modern
societies have a very different screwed up viewpoint. For the most part those
in charge do not care about their overall populations, except perhaps as slave
classes to provide for the state and the benefit of the elites. This is a
result of the dog eat dog greed mentality that is embedded into the
consciousness of each modern society. Mekkar says it has also been imparted
into the subconscious of the people by way of design as designated by the
elites. It’s all one facet of a greater overall plan to brainwash the people.
This has not changed since the beginning of time.
The Wanderer from the Arctic
considers it is ironic that the more technological civilizations are in many
ways more backward and regressive. It is due to the impersonal, detached, and
narcissistic attitude that infects and permeates the various societies. While
at the same time delude them also. It is quite a quandary that he hasn’t yet
internally solved. Mekkar let these type of thoughts swirl through his noggin
while he took in the majesty and expanse of this area. He appreciated how long
these natural and interspersed manmade objects have stood the test of time. Mekkar
answered some of his own questions regarding how these lasting wonders of the
ancient world were built and still remain today.
Mekkar realized that even back then the same issues plagued
mankind and the powers that be. That those in charge still will do or say
anything to retain their status, positions of power, and influence just like
today. Unfortunately, the human species never appears in Mekkar’s mind to learn
from their own past history with its flaws and errors. If they did, he
questioned whether the supposedly civilized human race would continue the same
courses of action to their own folly. Mekkar would respond with a definite - I
think not! He saw these physical symbols as just a part of another empire and
culture. One that has come and gone in a long line of successive great powers
who existed for at least awhile, but fell due to internal decay and inefficiency.
His inquiry of when will it ever end never was resolved during this
consideration process.
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